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Meet The Owner

Who would have thought this little girl from Slidell, LA was destined to become a Master Braider in the big city of Dallas, TX. After moving to Dallas in 1998 Whitney enjoyed braiding her friends hair for fun. Never once considering that she can make it a career. After high school she proceeded to go to college for nursing however she was not satisfied. By the age of 23 she had 3 children, and still have yet to complete an associates degree. She was still braiding friends and family hair however she always steered away from braiding strangers hair. After many referrals and recommendations, at the age of 27, Whitney slowly started accepting clients. Believe it or not but it took another four years for her to realize that braiding was her passion and that is when she began to build her empire. Not having any mentors or family to teach her how to be an entrepreneur she began teaching her self. Now in 2020 she can officially say she is the proud owner of Kinky Kontroller LLC, an edge control line, involved in network marketing, and in the process of launching 2 more businesses. This is only the beginning.

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